- Gilasaurus
- Gilford the Legend
- Gilford the Lightning
- Gillagillancer
- Giltia the D. Knight
- Gimmick Puppet Des Troy
- Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll
- Gimmick Puppet Egg Head
- Gimmick Puppet Gear Changer
- Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll
- Gimmick Puppet Nightmare
- Gimmick Puppet Princess
- Gimmick Puppet Scarecrow
- Gimmick Puppet Scissor Arms
- Gimmick Puppet Twilight Joker
- Glife the Phantom Bird
- Glow-Up Bulb
- Goblin Attack Force
- Goblin Dancers
- Goblin King
- Goblin Zombie
- Goblindbergh
- Goddess with the Third Eye
- Gogogo Ghost